Guide for Android's Data Persistence Library - Room Database

Guide for Android's Data Persistence Library - Room Database

Storing data locally is pretty much simple!


8 min read

Last updated on February 12, 2023

This blog further moves with Kotlin for examples with Room-DB


  • Storing data locally is one of the most important yet necessary things to do when building an application for mobile devices.

  • That's where Room, Realm, or any other data-persistence libraries play a major role when building an app for a mobile device.

  • Room is built upon SQLite, which also means that we need to handle the database with SQL-based queries, as SQLite uses SQL for querying with the database.

Why Room-DB?

  • Room checks SQL queries at compile time rather than runtime, which makes it easier to fix the queries before they are executed in the runtime.

  • Most of the work with Room can be done by annotations, which makes it even simpler while reducing boilerplate code while building a local database.

Setup-ing Room

Add the following dependencies to your build.gradle file:

apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
dependencies {
    implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.6.4'
    implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.6.4'
def room_version = "2.5.0"
    implementation "$room_version"
    implementation "$room_version"
    annotationProcessor "$room_version"
    kapt "$room_version"

and of course, apply changes by an hour taking gradle sync

Implementation of Room, ofc

  • Room requires three major components when working with it:

    1. Entity - Entity represents the tables in our local SQL-based database.

    2. Dao — Dao holds all the queries you’ll be doing with your database, it may be adding, deleting, updating, reading the existing data, or could be any query you want to do.

    3. An abstract class that extends RoomDatabase - This is the primary point for accessing the actual database which exists locally in a device, this class needs to be abstract as Room adds further required code to implement your database without fail.

For representation, these three major components in a rough idea of working with Room will look like this:

Creating an Entity or a table

  • You can use data class in Kotlin for creating a table or Entity for storing the data based on requirements.

  • When creating tables, it is necessary to mark the data class as @Entity so that Room knows that this is the specific table where the given data should be added in a column.

Few Annotations you need to know while working with an Entity or a table :

  • @PrimaryKey - As the name says, this can be used to query or to indicate a respective column and its respective row's data as this annotation acts as the primary key for a column and its row.

  • @Entity - As I've already mentioned, this can be used to define a data class as a table, and it also takes a parameter named "tablename"; where you can define a unique name from which you can do further database changes or queries based on this table name using SQL queries.

  • @ColumnInfo - This can be used to define the metadata of a column. @ColumnInfo takes a parameter named "name," which can be used to define a column's name irrespective of its corresponding variable name; you can assume it as @SerialName in kotlinx.serialization where the name you give may not match with the variable, but it triggers the respective name you give in @SerialName as a parameter.

Example for creating an Entity or a table:

@Entity(tableName="notes_table") // define a unique name for table
data class NotesDBDTO(
    @ColumnInfo(name = "text") /* column's name irrespective of variable name*/
    val _data: String,
    @PrimaryKey // primary key for a column and its row
    val primaryKey: Int

For representation, the above code, which represents the table, will look like this:

Creating Dao (Data Access Object)

  • You can use interface in Kotlin for creating a Dao while working with Room.

  • You need to mark the interface as @Dao, where you need to define the functions of the queries you want to do with the database; it may be anything related to changes in the database or queries; the functions for those can be added within this interface.

Few Annotations you need to know while working with @Dao :

  • @Insert - This annotation can be used to insert data or to create new data in the table.

  • @Update: As the name itself says, this annotation can be used to update existing data based on the respective primary key.

  • @Delete - Of course, you guessed it right. This annotation can be used to delete an existing row in a table based on the primary key.

  • @Query - This annotation is quite powerful, as it gives you most of the database control you need; you can pretty much do everything with this single annotation based on SQL queries.

Room will generate the required SQL statements while working with @Insert, @Update, and @Delete annotations. Also, Room uses @PrimaryKey for updating or deleting the data while using annotations.

Example for creating Dao:

interface DBDao {

    You can use annotations directly or can use SQL queries for making CRUD operations, either way things work!

    @Query("SELECT * FROM notes_table") /* SQL query for getting all notes from the db*/
    fun getAllNotes(): Flow<List<NotesDBDTO>>

    @Insert /* Make sure to add the annotation in order to add the new notes when required*/
    suspend fun addNewNote(notesDBDTO: NotesDBDTO)

    @Update /* Make sure to add the annotation in order to add the update the existing notes*/
    suspend fun updateExistingNote(notesDBDTO: NotesDBDTO)

    suspend fun deleteNote(notesDBDTO: NotesDBDTO)

For representation, the above code, which represents the Dao, will look like this:

Creating RoomDatabase

  • As I've already mentioned that this is the primary point for accessing the actual database which exists locally in a device, this class needs to be abstract as Room adds further required code to implement your database without fail.

  • You need to mark this particular abstract class, which extends RoomDatabase, with @Database, which takes two parameters: "entities" and "version," where you need to pass the names of all entities that exist in your project and the version number, respectively.

The code may look like this:
@Database(entities = [NotesDBDTO::class], version = 1)
abstract class DataBase : RoomDatabase() {
We need to make database transactions; in other words, database connections should be in a singleton manner, as it would work as a single source that can be retrieved from anywhere in the application.
  • Now, we need to check if any database already exists or not; if a database already exists, we'll just return our @Dao, from which further queries or others can be done as per requirement; if a database doesn't exist, we'll create one and then return the @Dao.
The code may look like this:
@Database(entities = [NotesDBDTO::class], version = 1)
abstract class DataBase : RoomDatabase() { // Make sure you've marked this as abstract because room will generate further code

    abstract fun localDBData(): DBDao // Make sure you've marked this as abstract because room will generate further code 

    companion object {
        @Volatile // this annotation ensures that the value of a variable is always up-to-date; it will always be read from memory instead from the cached
        private var db: DataBase? = null
        fun getLocalDB(context: Context): DataBase {       
            return db
                ?: synchronized(this) {
                    val roomDBInstance = Room.databaseBuilder(
                    db = roomDBInstance // Line I
                    return roomDBInstance
Explanation for Line I from the above code:
  • If a database already exists, db gets returned, but if that's not the case, a new instance of the database gets created, and the newly created database instance will be replaced by the null value of db, which makes the next getLocalDB() function triggers the db but not to create new instances.

For representation, the above code, which represents the database entry point, will look like this:

Well, that's pretty much it. We have the database based on our requirements; the following example shows the practical scenario of using Room based on the above explanation.

Example 👨🏻‍💻, hack it

  • Primarily, we'll have a class that extends ViewModel(), in which we'll fetch existing notes from the database that can be retrieved from the UI.

  • We'll have lateinit var database for working with the database across the app where we'll define the value for this variable in the MainActivity as we need to give the context in getLocalDB(context = )

The code may look like this:
class MainViewModel() : ViewModel() {
    private val _existingNotes = MutableStateFlow<List<NotesDBDTO>>(emptyList())
    val existingNotes = _existingNotes.asStateFlow()

    companion object { // singleton for database access
        lateinit var database: DataBase

    private val coroutineExceptionHandler =
        CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable -> throwable.printStackTrace() }

    init {
        viewModelScope.launch(coroutineExceptionHandler) {
            database.localDBData().getAllNotes().collect {

For representation, the above code will look like this:

Code for updating existing data :

coroutineScope.launch {
        notesDBDTO = NotesDBDTO(
        _data = existingTextValue.value,
        primaryKey = primaryKey // working with `items()` in `LazyColumn`

Code for adding new data :

coroutineScope.launch {
            .addNewNote(notesDBDTO = NotesDBDTO(
        _data = textFieldValue.value,
        primaryKey = primaryKey

Code for deleting existing data :

        deleteNote( notesDBDTO = NotesDBDTO(
         _data = it._data,
         primaryKey = it.primaryKey

Note: I've used Jetpack Compose for the below example; you can use XML to build the UI, but the implementation for database logic would be the same.

Here's the example's result 🔥

That's all you need to know for getting started with Room in android😎🤝🏻, check out the following repository for the complete code for this blog:

Check out the following repository to see how a production app uses Room as a local database:

Well, that's all for now. Bye??👋🏻